Peter Samuel Biddulph was born Thursday June 3, 2010. I was scheduled for a c-section since I got so sick with Lucy from all the everything that led up to her c-section and the possibility of infection was not ok, so to prevent all of that, we opted for a c-section.
We went in, and since I got an antibody in my blood from a blood transfusion last time, they had to order special blood from a blood bank to make sure I would be ok this time in case I needed another blood transfusion. So we waited 6 hours for that to arrive-we ended up not needing it, thank goodness!!
I hated getting the Spinal-like an epidural, and since my belly was sooo big, they had to tape my belly up to make sure they could work on me how they needed to. Evan was there with me, and Lucy was at home with my parents. They began the c-section, and while everyone was chilly in the room, I loved the felt sooo great!
All of a sudden they told me I would feel some pressure and then out came Peter. 11 lbs 7 ounces. I heard a nurse say, "that ain't no 9 lb baby, much bigger". I of course am crying, partly because I finally got to have my Peter, and partly because I was no longer pregnant. Evan got some good pictures, and then he came over and told me that Peter wasn't breathing very well, and needed to go to the NICU. I started crying but knew things would be ok.
Evan went with Peter and I was sewn up after they pulled the chord blood to donate and went to the recovery room. I asked my parents not to come up with Lucy until she had napped. Evan's parents came up and met Peter and visited with us for a little bit.
I still hadn't seen Peter for more than a minute and was a emotional, they pushed me in a bed over to meet Peter and then I checked into my room. He was hooked up to every chord possible and it was a hard sight to see, especially since he was also hooked up to oxygen.
Meeting Peter and trying to be "soft"
He was born with the lower portion of each lung collaped, and bilateral pneumothorax all over his lungs(air pockets and holes in the lungs). Also some fluid in the lungs.
I tried breastfeeding, it didn't pan out. I hated pumping, how sore I got, and that he didn't want to eat much even though he latched on right away. I also found out that he was losing weight-11%, and shouldn't have lost more than 5%, so we switched to formula was a big relief for me, I wasn't sure I wanted to breast feed in the first place. So he will be like Lucy, bottle fed:)
I was discharged Monday, and the hospital allowed Evan and I to board for 2 more nights for free while we were trying to figure out what was going on with Peter. Evan had to be at a conference, so I was at the hospital alone, and so I used a wheel chair as a walking device. I would go down every 3 hours for about half hour to an hour to visit and feed Peter. Finally we all left for home on Wednesday. I was so sick to my stomach and emotional, and since Evan was at a conference my dad came and helped pick us up-he had to deal with all the raw emotions, poor guy.
After getting trained on the oxygen tank and signing some forms, we loaded up and drove home. I was sick all the way home, and when we arrived more oxygen was being delivered to my home.
I cried and cried, got a priesthood blessing, and went to bed while my parents watched Lucy and Peter.
I will fill you in on more stuff later...but at least now you know he arrived
Peter is back in the NICU with breathing issues and losing some weight, so I will keep you updated
to be continued.....
random pics
At least he's home!
I'm glad you're doing alright, and I'm glad you're ok with bottle feeding. It's hard enough to do when everything is perfect, and it sounds like you've got a lot to deal with.
Peter looks just like his sister, and I can't believe he was ELEVEN POUNDS!! I'm sure you were MISERABLE that last month! Yikes!!!
Congratulations, honey! He's BEAUTIFUL!!!
Congratulations. I hope that everything goes okay with the transition and oxygen and everything. Scary. You are amazing. An eleven pounder. Kayla is just a bit bigger than that and she is almost 5 months. Wow!
I am so proud of you! You have always inspired me with your honesty, positivity (is that a word?) and humor amid chaos. I know you will be blessed for your committment to motherhood, even with the toll is has taken on your body and mind.
I am bringing dinner tomorrow, so I will look forward to meeting Peter. If you need me to bring anything specific, let me know. In the meantime, rest when you can and remember, "this too shall pass" (and that applies to the good and the bad - so treasure the good).
Love you!
Congratulations! Its hard to have a baby on oxygen. Make sure you get the little travel size tank so you can at least go outside. Its heavy, but makes a difference. And, when people see a baby with oxygen, they don't touch them. That is the ONLY plus to having a child on oxygen. Your family looks adorable!
I have to tell you, you look so good for just having a c-section! I'm glad your little one's here and things are mostly well. What a neat story you'll have to tell. :)
I forgot to write that he entered the NICU Monday and is still there, we are hoping he is back soon:) thanks everyone for such sweet comments!
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We hope that everything goes well. Please let us know what we can do to help. We love you! You are an amazing person.
Congratulations on little Peter (well I'm not sure 11lbs should be considered little!) Dallas and I are praying for your family and for Peter's recovery. Congrats again.
Hilary, you are amazing! I can't believe he was that big! I am waiting for the next update and hope everything will keep improving!
Welcome baby Peter! Great job, Mom on all things pregnancy and delivery. You are a strong woman. We hope Peter heals and becomes stronger everyday. Congratulations Hilary, Evan, and Lucy!
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