So if you didn't already know, I am in LOVE with snow. Evan and I have MANY great memories in the snow, and here are a few more reasons why I LOVE snow!!!
1.It is beautiful, especially the first snow
2.It is like starting over, a clean slate
3.You can keep cold food outside and not worry about it spoiling
4.Hot chocolate goes on sale, today at Albertson's Nestle is 4 for $5, and I have coupons on top of that!
5.People don't tease me as much for listening to my Christmas music (that I started listening to in the Summer)
6.It means Christmas time is near, the birth of our Savior is celebrated, and I get to see my family whom I miss!
7.I get to make Julekage(a danish dessert, my mom's from Denmark)
8.Even more reason for making homemade soup and bread
9.I don't have to rake leaves for a while;)
11.Evan's warm kisses and cuddles when we are outside
12.Christmas lights come up
13.I get to stay inside and curl up in front of a nice movie, especially chic flics or Black and White movies.
14.Coats, mittens, scarfs and cute!
16.Snow Angels
17.Egg Nog, the best kind is at WholeFoods! Yum My sister-in-law and I tried at least twelve different brands last season, and we found the best! It is at Whole Foods, and in the glass milk bottles...YUMMY!!!! (to bad this year I can't have any since I have a baby growing..until next year:))
18.Christmas break, and hanging out with Evan
19.Shopping and sales become more fun!
20.Silence, watching the snow fall, feeling peace and joy and the love of our Savior. He is real! We are not alone, and like the clean slate of the snow on the dirty ground, He is there to clean our slate if we take advantage of the Atonment, and ask for forgiveness, and to feel the peace and love from our Savior!
There are many many more, and for those of you who need to hear some negative;)....
1. Hard to drive in
2. It turns mushy and black
3. Flip Flops are harder to wear in the snow;)
The snow will NEVER interfere with my Flip Flop wearing! NEVER!!!
It is our Temple :O) I love your post! I <3 snow too, its so beautiful but alas it is miserable to drive in :O( Can you believe we have not had any snow in IDAHO!!! Well twice it has lightly covered the grass but its gone in hours. Its still kinda chilly
I must admit I started listening to Christmas music in October. I love Christmas!!! Snow is fine too but i really love Christmas.
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