So when you think of going to Elitches, riding the roller coaster sounds fun, and something that you would like to do a couple times. Well, I have had the craziest Roller Coaster of my life! I had so many ideas of how things in my life would unfold, and let's just say, I am in the Lord's hands, not in my own hands....
I went in on April 18th to have a baby, and had a c-section after 1 1/2 hours of pushing. Evan and I got a beautiful baby girl, Lucy, 9lbs 3 oz. Not sure what she weighs now, but her two week appt is this week, she is almost 3 weeks old now:)
After I was discharged and we brought baby Lucy home Wednesday, I got really sick and was readmitted to the hospital Friday, just two days after she was brought home. Evan and I then spent until Tuesday the following week in the hospital and were told that I had an infection in my uterus, and that my liver was enlarged, and other metabolic things were a off. I was glad to go home Tuesday.
Wednesday I was SUPER sick again but was soooo emotional and sad, I didn't want to go back to the hospital, and tried to hold out one more day. So yes, Thursday I had gotten worse, and returned to the hospital, only this time it took the ER from 5pm to 3am to admitt was a LONG night. I had more tests run on me than I took all through my entire life of testing in school!
Cat Scans, leg ultrasounds, liver ultrasounds, blood work, chest x-rays, heart thinga ma jiggers, etc! I can't even name or count all the tests I went through. The phlobotomist was scared of me and my veins and said I was the hardest person to draw blood from, and he saw cases like me once a year...YIKES!
So, after lots of prayer on our part and many of your prayers, the doctors finally found that I had an infection behind my uterus(like an abscess) and needed to treat it. And since I had a doctor from almost every department working on me, they all had a plan for how I should be worked on. It came down to having a very potent antibiotic try to reach the infection, instead of doing surgery, and a liver biopsy. (my liver is 3-4 times the size it should be)
So After spending 6 more days in the hospital, I came home this past Tuesday with a picc line in my arm, and a nurse comes over everyday in the afternoon to administer the antibiotic to me so that I can be home, and not in the hospital. This will continue until Monday of next week.
I love being home. It has been really hard to be away from my baby and my mother. I am VERY grateful to Evan for sticking by my side and staying in the hospital with me on their ever so comfy beds, and making sure that I was taken care of properly. I am soooo grateful to my mother for extending her plane ticket over and over to accomodate this special circumstance. I am grateful to the Lord for helping me through this ordeal. I know that the Lord has a plan for me, and I am definitely learning from my experiences. I can't believe that it is May already...time really disappeared from me.
In 6 weeks I will go back and have my liver retested, and for the rest of my life i will have to deal with the metabolic disorder that I have.... My body isn't perfect, but Heavenly Father is definitely blessing me through my challenges.
And to answer any questions, Yes, I will have more children if the Lord will bless me with them. I know I had a really hard time getting pregnant, and then all of this complication that happened. But this is a rare thing, and it will soon be a sign of the past. I might even be able to breast feed the next baby...we shall see.
I love my new family. I love seeing Evan with Lucy. My mom is the perfect definition of what a mother should be. I hope I can come close to being like her one day.
I am grateful for prayer and priesthood blessings. I am grateful to all of you for comfort and support and your prayers. I am happy that I am feeling so much better, but still have a long road in front of me for recovery!
Life is a roller coaster, and you don't always know what turns and changes in the coarse will happen. But, we should all stay fastened and know that the Lord will not allow us to end the ride on a bad note. He wants us to come home safely to Him!
Yay to better days and feeling better!
Love to you all!