Friday, September 09, 2011

Dear Lucy, Sept 9, 2011

Dear Lucy,

I haven't journaled about you in a while and I feel bad about that because you keep doing so many sweet and funny things, sprinkled with a little naughty. For the most part you have been learning lots and growing up. Growing up makes me sad but I am happy you are learning lots.

You have had so many ear infections in the last year that we were able to contact someone about Speech Therapy since your ears have delayed you in speech. Mindy is the sweetest therapy and you love her so much. Every time she comes you run to the door, smile, hug and bring her in to start playing. She is teaching you lots and I love seeing you learn and practice.

Ever since we started watching TJ you think you have another brother. Sometimes on the weekends and nights you get sad when you can't find him. You call him Baby or T. You hug, kiss(like a fish), sit next to, lay next to, try to pick up, help with with pacifiers and bottles and wiping his mouth. You are like a cute second mommy for him.

Peter is your absolute best friend in the world!!! Besides the clobbering him from behind, jumping on him, smothering his face in the ground, you love on him ALL the time. I hope you stay best friends. You two love to play together. You always bring him treats and snacks and make sure he has what he needs or doesn't know that he needs. You kiss him, hug him, and like to hold his hand.

You like cuddling mommy and daddy a lot more lately. You always help make dinner and think popcorn is the best thing EVER! I think your best girlfriend right now is Sadie. She is fun and you like to hug her and say her name.

You have been letting me brush and style your hair. That makes me happy. Shoes, baths, outside, yogurt, cheese and saying please with your hand make up almost every day.

You are the cutest little swimmer. With your floaties on you swim all over the pool including the
deep end. You love to jump in and you like to swim by yourself without any help.

We love you very much and am so happy your are ours!

mom & dad

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