Lucy is sooo stinkin cute! I just want to scoop her up and hold her all of the time.
she is 19 months old- almost 20 months. She loves nursery, and when she escapes from me in church she runs to knock on the nursery to go play.
Helps with Christmas:)
She likes to rub his head saying "soft" and kisses on him a lot-especially before she or he lays down.
She balances on one foot for fun and loves to kiss on us.
She practices walking backwards often, and today at the doctor's she thought it was so funny watching herself walk backwards.
Loves watching Evan walk home from work and knocks on the door to let him in(so cute)
She colors, colors, oh, and did I mention she colors. EVERYWHERE. it is her favorite thing to do, in fact it is what helps her make it through sacrament meeting at church.
Bath-time is a definite must, as she must pretend she is lost in the ocean exploring because she never gets tired of it.
She puts both hands over her mouth and giggles-we don't know where she learned that, but I am guessing Caillou.
She has starting frowing her brow when investigating something or when she doesn't approve of what I am asking her to do.
She eats a big bowl of cereal every morning, and loves to do so on my lap as I feed Peter simultaneously.
Puzzles are so much fun, and climbing up the chairs makes it even more enjoyable.(Sometimes she calls for me to help get down-in her own language of course)
Frisbee is a fun game to play outside-she never gets tired of running after it.
The wagon and car in the backyard can keep her busy for hours, as well as picking up leaves, rocks, and twigs that she finds and brings to the garbage can.
She loves to share food(not her toys yet). Today she fed me a chip, and then picked up all the crumbs off my shirt and either ate them or put them in my mouth.
She giggles a lot, and when she makes a joke or thinks she's funny she belts out a laugh.
She is great at getting in and out of the car and going to the front door and waiting patiently while I bring Peter up the step. (Sometimes she plays on her bike while I unload groceries)
Jewelry is fun for her. She loves putting on bracelets, necklaces, and anything else she can find. We tell her she looks pretty and she wears them ALL day long.
Caillou still out ranks any other show, and is helpful for when I need to get the house cleaned.
Water-her favorite drink like her mommy.
She wants to brush her teeth all of the time.
When she is around other people she gets more wild and excited-sometimes hard when she realizes she shouldn't pounce other kids.
She likes to run and slide into position next to Peter-and then thinks it's awesome to steamroll over him.
She loves her nap and likes to put herself to sleep, Lucy is such an angel!
Pizza with Grandma Betty and Grandpa Romney
We made homemade wheat and white dough pizza-created our own combinations
DELICIOUS-we want to do it again-fun time!
What a cute little girl! It sounds like she is really sweet with her little brother. Isn't it great having siblings??
What a cute growing family!
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